We can look forward to a future where depression and stress might be wiped out from the disease charts. Lots of sciences are incredibly enthusiastic about these new treatment methods, because of this there coming up with new nanotechnology that can affect these genes and molecules that directly correlate with anxiety stress and various other mental disorders. This new generation of nano molecules may have the capability to stop any impending disease referring to your mental health. New gold nano particles have been created that influence the mental health industry incredibly. Because of the introduction of these particles, were able to isolate tumors and various other diseases. When it comes to your mental health it affects every aspect of your mind, yes medication can be used to help improve the medical industry but you should do things to improve yourself mentally as well. Try to enjoy yourself on a daily basis, do something that makes you happy, do something that connects you with the earth, do something that gives you a good feeling deep down inside. If you’re not doing anything to please yourself or please the people around you then most likely you will end up becoming miserable. The last thing a person needs in this world is to be not needed or useless. When a person becomes unneeded and useless the respect that everyone else might have had will start to dissipate. Because of this stress and anxiety will rise becoming an increasingly powerful factor in that person’s everyday life. I have always been concerned about the well-being of other and the well-being of myself because of this I’m constantly doing for myself and doing for others which caused me to grow and bring more gratitude and happiness Into my life.