My mom has anxiety disorder. You have to help your family out as much as you possibly can, when your mom is going through something like this, make sure that your by her side at all times, a mother is supposed to be the pillar of the family, if the mom is going through a situation in which she is incapable of holding down the fort it’s up to you to take responsibility. You as a child have to stand by your mother and make sure that she feels comfortable, usually when a mom is going through a situation like this it’s due to the fact that she’s either alone, or she’s going through financial difficulties, or she’s going through a crisis of age. No matter what the situation might be you have to stand by your mother and let her know that everything will be okay, the last thing you want to do is stress over irrational situations like this at her age, you have to be there for her because this stress can bring on a lot of different conditions that will affect her later on. I always try to reassure my mother that everything is okay and that I will take care of all her needs such as financial, healthcare, groceries, whatever the case may be I’ll take care of it all. You always have to be concerned about your family but your mother takes precedent over all else, you should always hold her down and make sure that she’s not dealing with a situation that is causing her fear. Make sure you spend time with your mother, watch over her, cook for her and whatever else you can do to relieve her of the stress and the pain of her everyday life, if your mom still works it also increase her anxiety and her stress as well. You have to make sure that her job isn’t the number one reason why she’s stressing so much, if so then you need to help her out by relieving that stress through financial support and encouraging her to retire. I’m always incredibly concerned about my mom and checking up on her and making sure she’s okay, there’s nothing wrong with checking up on your mother and making sure she’s in a good place. Sometimes it is necessary for your mother to retire but if she’s not necessarily ready to take that step you need to help her make the decision so that she can rest and relaxed. The last thing you want is your mom having a
panic attack because of
anxiety disorders, so you need to provide some
anti anxiety with positive reinforcement.