Once a person realizes that small fact they should be able to navigate through life much easier. It seems like it’s the most difficult thing to get across to a person, your thoughts manifest in reality everything bad already happened is a metaphor, it means as long as you’re thinking about it and focusing on it with all your power you’ve already created that reality, so therefore every negative thought you’ve ever had and gave your full focus to already happened, because it’s already been written in the book of your destiny. Sounds philosophical and unrealistic but think about it, those that plan for the worst in life always receive the worst, and those who plan for the best eventually receive the best it might not be right away but it definitely comes, and when it comes, it comes hard. Prepare for the best things in life not the worst things in life always look forward to a better tomorrow otherwise what’s the point of even breathing. If your not looking forward to a better day than what’s the point of even being alive, so you can suffer? The last thing the universe wants is for you to be miserable, if you were born in a situation where you are dealt a bad hand know this, 85% of millionaires are self-made. That says a lot about society it says that those that represent the top came from the bottom. Only 15% of the worlds riches are legacy families that past down wealth from generation to generation, the other 85% are regular everyday people like you and me that stand up and decide they want to take what they desire.