My wife has anxiety disorder. A relationship is a give-and-take, it’s very difficult to be in a relationship with a person that isn’t necessarily able to shut off their doubts and fears. When you’re around someone who’s always speaking on negative situations, and always concerned about the worst possible outcome, it definitely can be a downturn to your emotional outlook on life. Because of this you have to make sure that your mind remains positive at all times, because if your mind changes to a negative frequency, eventually your wives irrational concerns will start to affect you in a negative way as well. Over time you’ll start to become a person that is very similar to her, you start to think about very stressful situations and start to look at the outcome as bleak or evident. You start to think life is predetermined so therefore you have no control over your outcome, and this is not true, you have absolutely 100% control over your future. You have to be a positive influence on your wife and make sure that you relieve her of these irrational fears, without you in her life giving her the inspiration that she needs these fears will take control of her everyday activity. You must make sure that you show her the love that she needs to feel safe so that anxiety and fear becomes second to your words, your words should ease her mind and release her of anxiety. If you’re not capable of relieving her mind and putting her fears to rest, then you need to form a closer bond with your wife, without a closer bond and without a proven track record, eventually she’s going to feed into her anxiety instead of feeding into you. Your wife always should believe in you and what you say, so therefore at the end of the day even if she has a huge amount of fear building up inside of her she knows that you will take care of everything and everything will be all right. That’s all she needs to know, at the end of the day you’ll have her back and you will make sure that everything goes well, and with that thought in the back of her head she can go throughout her day without worrying about simple irrational fears like
how to stop anxiety and
how to control anxiety, because she has trust in your ability to take care of the situation and make sure everything goes according to plan, she wont need
anxiety medication to feel safe, she just needs you.