My friend has social anxiety disorder. Your friend is going through a very difficult situation at this time, you want to make sure that you’re there for them in any way you possibly can be, the best way to do this is to respect their privacy and respect the fact that they don’t want to associate with other people outside of you. When a friend has
social anxiety disorder they don’t necessarily want to meet new friends, so you have to put their mind at ease and associate with them so you can build their confidence up to the point where they can be around other people, but this is a little by little process you defiantly cant bring them into a few social setting like a party full of all the friends that you Know. If you do something like this to completely throw the person off, they will probably have a
panic attack and then they’ll require some
anxiety medication, you must make sure that you give your friend positive reinforcement, and by positive reinforcement it doesn’t mean constructive criticism, at this point your friend cant really take constructive criticism. Just ensure them that there’s nothing to be afraid of and that they are one of the best people you know, by increasing their personal confidence it’s a lot easier for them to interact with other people, you see social anxiety disorder comes from extreme stress, so therefore if you can relieve that stress from the person’s mind they wont unnecessarily worry about if they’re impressing someone or not, they will relax and have a good time. You just need to get your friends mind thinking positively again, and It can be a difficult task because people go through things and when they go through them sometimes there’s nothing you really can do to help them but encourage them to remain positive. You definitely can help them by trying to boost their confidence and depending on how well you know them you can refer to situations in which they have been incredibly socially genius, not wanting to be around other people are not being in social situations stems from a lack of confidence. You need to maintain strength and never feed into their negativity because if you do it only increase their negative view of themselves, so always avoid stress and avoid letting the person get you in a negative space.