My girlfriend has social anxiety disorder. A female having
social anxiety disorder is a slightly different story, they can easily get
panic attacks and will require some sort of
anti-anxiety treatment. Make sure to take special care when a female has social anxiety disorder, she can easily start to become self doubting or unconfident in various situations for absolutely no reason, yet you have to be patient and not necessarily take it in a negative way, because if you feed into her negativity you only make the situation worse. If your girlfriend is suffering from this condition just remember it’s nothing personal, it’s just very difficult for her to associate with others, she might be uncomfortable with your family and your friends are anyone, and simply because she wants to make a good impression on everybody around you. If she feels like she’s making a bad impression she’ll become incredibly unconfident and start to act out, in this type of situation you need to be there as a pillar of support, the best thing you can do is take away some of that stress by putting her mind at ease in the social situations. It is very difficult for females to adapt to new areas especially if she doesn’t have anyone nearby other than you, add social anxiety disorder on top of that and you have yourself a bad situation cocktail. The best thing for you to do is to ensure her at all times that she is your number one priority, just put her mind at ease and let her know that no matter what happens you’ll always respect and care for her, realistically a person suffering from this condition needs to know, that you’re there for them always no matter what. People suffering from this condition need to know that there is no way they can embarrass themselves to the point where you would stop talking to them, by knowing this she should be able to interact with others easily because they understand that you’re not judging them. When you start to judge these people it makes their social anxiety even worse, so make sure you let the person know you’re not judging them and that you’re just here to help them, you trust them and you have faith in their ability to carry themselves the right way around anyone. By doing this you establish a relationship built on respect, and once that person knows that you respect them they will be able to communicate clearly with others around you.