My son has social anxiety disorder. The best thing you can do for your son is be there for him, you have to make sure that he doesn’t carry this burden alone, you have to give him the support and structure that he needs. It’s very difficult to deal with something like this, you can easily suffer from a
panic attack or various other side effects of anxiety, people always ask
how to stop anxiety or
how to control anxiety, there’s really no set formula except remove stress from your life. You must do whatever you can to remove stress from your son’s life, if your son likes to build model trains then help to get more model trains, make sure he is doing something that makes him happy, something that puts him in a positive state of mind. If your son likes to go to the movies, collect baseball cards whatever it may be make sure you introduce more of these positive things into his life, keep negative circumstances out of his life and help him avoid pitt falls that get in the way of his confidence. Social anxiety disorder is a disorder that attacks the confidence, when people are confident in themselves it’s very difficult for them to be around other people, simply because they feel like they’re going to embarrass themselves, the last thing they want to do is embarrass the person that’s introducing them to people. So it’s a huge confidence issue when it comes to social anxiety disorder, by knowing this you can look at some of the elements of your son’s life and find out exactly why he’s not confident, could it be that he’s having trouble at school, could it be that the people around are having a negative impact on his life, or could it be that you are not being there for him. It could be a number of things but at the in of the day you have to have the confidence and the care to pay attention and assist your son through this troubling time, if you don’t assess your son through this troubling time, not only will he become worse but he’ll start to feel lonely within his own mind and within his own heart. You must be careful, you must pay attention to all the signs of social anxiety disorder, if your child is not accumulating new friends, or your child has no friends at all, these are clear-cut signs that your child is suffering from social anxiety disorder.